Easy Hemmed Stocking Hats
For GK 370 Knitting Machine but suitable for any midgauge knitting machine
Sizes Child, Adult (child size is shown; this fits most elementary school children)
Finished Width 18 (19.5)″ 46 (50) cm
Finished Length 9 (10)” 23 (25.5) cm

Beginner Pattern. You must know how (or be willing to learn) to cast on with waste yarn and ravel cord, hang a hem, transfer stitches using the transfer tool and sew with mattress stitch.
Materials Required: two colors of thinner hand knitting worsted weight or thicker DK weight yarn, number 3 or 4 on the ball band in the US, that has a recommended gauge of 20 sts, 28 rows per 10 cm or 5 sts, 7 rows = 1″
Tension: this will vary with yarn used. Make the first swatch with stitch dial at 7 and adjust as needed. If the swatch is too tight, loosen the dial; if it is too loose, tighten the dial.
There is a lot of variation in the finished fabric when using this weight of yarn, so this pattern should be considered just a starting point. You may find that the child size fits an adult as a short beanie-style in one yarn, yet is too tight for adults when using a different one. These knit so quickly, just knit one and see how you like it.
Cast on 89 (97) sts with waste yarn and ravel cord.
Change to main color.
Set row counter to 000.
K even to RC 42 (50).
Hang the hem.
Turn the stitch dial up 2 numbers, knit 1 row.
Return stitch dial to original number.
Some people like the hat to fit a little tighter. An easy way to do this is to knit the hem 1 number tighter than the top. If your main tension is 7, knit the hem at 6. If your main tension is 8, knit the hem at 7.
Knit to row count 84 (96), changing colors and knitting stripes as desired. To make a shorter hat, knit fewer rows; to make a slouchier hat, knit a few more rows. Transfer every other stitch to its neighboring needle and take empty needles back to pos A.
K 2 rows. Clip yarn, leaving an 18″ tail for seaming later.
Cut a long double strand of yarn, and thread into yarn needle. *Insert tip of needle through first st from behind, lift needle tip upwards and forwards to pop st off onto yarn needle. Pull through. Repeat from * until all sts are on doubled yarn.
Gather tightly and fasten securely. Sew seam with mattress stitch, beginning at top of hat. Work down, around, then back up inside of hem, rather than trying to sew through all hem thicknesses.
Weave yarn tails back and forth through seam allowance on underside for 10-12 sts, then clip next to fabric.
If desired, make a pom pom and sew to top. Instructions are readily available in hand knitting books and magazines, so will not be repeated here. Cap may be varied by knitting stripes or narrow bands of Fairisle in your choice of patterns and colors. This is a good place to use up odds and ends of yarn. Just be sure all yarn is the same size and fiber content
Video Links
Lesson 2 for the GK 370. This demonstrates the techniques used in this hat.
Video of the Hat Being Knitted. This includes knitting stripes and a modified decrease method for the top.