Would you like to draft your own round yoke sweater pattern but don’t know where to begin? We are hosting a 6-week pattern drafting class, beginning the February 17, 2022, that will include instructions for three different methods, suitable for machine knitters. We will work through each of these in detail, step-by-step. PDFS of all lessons and supporting files of needed class materials are included.
Four of the lessons require only paper, pencil, ruler and a calculator. Two of them are specific to DesignaKnit pattern drafting software, and you must have that installed on your computer in order to use the instructions
We will also discuss how to use hand knitting patterns, and adapt them to use on a knitting machine.
Class Schedule and PayPal link to purchase https://clearwaterknits.com/2025-round-yoke-pattern-drafting-class/
You will receive a link to a private Facebook group where the lesson PDFs will be posted on the Saturday before each Zoom meeting. The Zoom schedule with long-in information is already posted there, and you should download it immediately, to be sure you can access the group.